About Us


We are a Team of Chartered Accountants, Formaly Known as Gupta Pawan and Co. Financial Analysts and other Specialists with brick ’n’ mortar presence in India and networked as per need into other places in the country. We are young enthusiastic highly skilled and motivated professionals. we offer wide range of professional services under one roof to all kind of business.

In our vision, successful businesses are vital to India’s progress for they provide employment and growth of capital. And ease of doing business is an essential promoter of success. Also part of our vision is to focus on being a “Value for Money” Service Provider. Our motive is to "Ease Client Business"

Accordingly we have made it our mission to provide client businesses with support in structural and statutory matters and thus enhance the ease of conducting business for them. It is also our mission to be catalysts for taking India from being a nation of Job Seekers to becoming a nation of Job Creators.

And so we believe that special attention must be given to entrepreneurs and start ups - fresh entrants to the commercial world. Many ideas with great potential do not fructify owing to hurdles that become formidable barriers for the novices. Intrinsic to our mission is the nurturing we provide for such ventures.

That apart, our services are available for organizations of every scale. Large companies intending to open a new branch would find us most relevant as providers of solutions to all regulatory needs. Our fees are very affordable and could save them valuable time, money and effort.

Guidance and implementation is provided by expert advisors with extensive knowledge and experience in starting, growing and running successful businesses. The combined team draws upon an exceptionally broad range of skills allowing us to customize appropriate solutions for businesses at all stages of maturity.

We believe in a hands-on approach and building a long term working relationship through a genuine understanding of our client’s business and aspirations. Our client base is large and varied.

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